Today's Message
Posted: Monday, November 12, 2018WWII POW Interviews Available through Archives and Special Collections
In honor of Veterans Day, the Archives and Special Collections Department of E. H. Butler Library has digitized a series of World War II prisoner of war (POW) interviews conducted in 1990 by Mark Rieman as part of his master’s thesis in history.
The collection includes interviews with eight veterans who discuss their enlistment, boot camp, wartime experiences, capture, treatment, liberation, and reflections on their time serving in the military. Each interview runs one to two hours. These veterans embodied the spirit of patriotism, honor, and commitment to preserving the freedoms of a country they loved.
The Archives and Special Collections Department is honored to host this collection and thanks Mark Rieman and all the veterans who agreed to be interviewed for their willingness to commit their experiences to history.
Listen to the World War II prisoner of war taped interviews.
View additional collections related to veterans and wartime experiences.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Wednesday, November 14, 2018