Campus Community
Posted: Tuesday, May 19, 2020Ways to Help during the Coronavirus Outbreak: Share the Joy of 'The Lion King'
The Civic and Community Engagement Office is providing information about ways faculty, staff, and students can be active citizens and support our community during the coronavirus pandemic.
Children at home? Share the joy of The Lion King and give your kids a chance to explore the world of musical theater from home. The Lion King Experience (PDF, 2.4 MB) is an arts education program that was originally developed for the classroom, but now Disney is making this course available to kids at home. All sessions of The Lion King Experience have been unlocked and adapted for participating remotely. The “KIDS” curriculum features 11 sessions for children ages 8 to 11, and the “JR” curriculum is divided into 18 sessions for adolescents ages 12 to 15. Each session includes a video to watch and an at-home activity for them to complete.