Today's Message
Posted: Wednesday, January 4, 2017Visit Us in the Dominican Republic
Please join teacher education participants of the IPDS-Dominican Republic program as they observe and teach in local schools, learn Spanish, volunteer with young girls at the Mariposa DR Foundation, conduct educational research, and engage in cultural tours and activities in Cabarete, Dominican Republic, from January 3 to 20. The students will share and reflect on their experiences abroad through individual travel blogs. Wish them well and read about their adventures by followingand commenting ontheir blog posts.
This year's cohort, led by Tamara Horstman-Riphahn, executive assistant to the dean of the School of Education, and Wendy McLeish, lecturer in the Elementary Education and Reading Department, consists of 15 teacher candidates: three exceptional education and 12 elementary education and reading students. This is the third cohort to travel to the Dominican Republic through the International Professional Development Schools Consortium, which is designed to engage teacher education candidates in short-term travel and service-learning activities that globalize their understanding and experience of education.
Monday, January 9, 2017
Thursday, January 12, 2017