From the Vice President for Finance and Management
Posted: Wednesday, May 31, 2023Reorganization within Finance and Management
As part of its ongoing assessment of workforce planning, internal efficiency, risk management, and internal control, the Finance and Management division has been reviewing its internal structure with the preeminent goal of providing the best possible service to the campus community. I am pleased to announce the following updates.
The Research Foundation for SUNY at Buffalo State, also known as Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA), faces financial constraints just like our other campus funding sources. Upon review, it has been determined that to preserve SPA’s operational business functions such as procurement, accounts payable, human resources, and payroll, these will be merged into our current business departments. This proven model has been successful at several other SUNY comprehensive campuses and university centers.
Additionally, Procurement Services is being restructured to move from Administrative Services to Financial Operations. This will provide beneficial alignment with Accounts Payable and financial oversight as we launch Bengal Buy, our new procure to pay system.
I would like to thank Lisa Krieger for her leadership and guidance while overseeing Procurement, and for her continued involvement with major revenue contracts and legal matters. Procurement Services will now report to our new assistant vice president for finance and budget, Kelly D’Aloisio.
Financial Management will retain accounting and reporting efforts, including Accounts Payable, which will now report to Joseph Ricchiazzi, director of financial management.
Position management processes have been developed and go into effect June 1, 2023, per an announcement from the president to cabinet. Position management requests outside of the annual Strategic Resource Planning Process (SRPP) will be addressed as emerging needs. The emerging needs process will include all forms required by Human Resources for review, verification of the budget for the position request, and review and approval by the president or designee. Related human resources paperwork and tasks related to positions have been internally reviewed for effectiveness and efficiency. In accordance, the functions between Human Resources and the budget have been redefined. We would like to announce the realignment of Lori Mabry, our new director of payroll and position operations.