Today's Message
Posted: Thursday, February 9, 2017VHS Players to Be Phased Out of Smart Classrooms
Manufacturers have ended the production of VCRs, and repairing these machines is becoming difficult as parts are increasingly unavailable. VHS is now considered an obsolete medium. To allow faculty members time to locate and incorporate replacement content or transition content in this medium to a different format, RITE Technology Support Services will begin to phase out working VHS players in a small portion of classrooms.
VCRs will no longer be included in new or renovated classrooms, though VHS players and VCR/DVD combination units are still available in most smart classrooms and can be scheduled using the room attribute "VHS. DVDs can still be played through the computer in all generally scheduled smart classrooms.
For more information and to learn how you can prepare for this transition, please visit the Butler Library website.
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Thursday, March 9, 2017