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Posted: Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Today: Governor Spitzer to Speak on Higher Education

The Buffalo State community is invited to hear Gov. Eliot Spitzer discuss his endowment plan for enriching New York State's public higher education system. Today, Wednesday, February 13, at 1:15 p.m., the University at Buffalo will host Governor Spitzer in the UB Downtown Gateway—the former M. Wile Building, located at 77 Goodell Street. The event is free and open to the public.

As Governor Spitzer has emphasized, investing in a world-class higher education system is pivotal to the future of New York State. In recognizing the University at Buffalo as a flagship campus in the SUNY system, the governor has strongly reinforced the critical role that the university’s growth and success will play in the future of our region and our state.

Visit the University at Buffalo's Web site for more information.