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Posted: Monday, August 24, 2020

Title III Grant: Progress Update

During the 2019–2020 academic year (year two of the grant), the Title III Task Force and Design Teams worked on developing and implementing various grant activities. The following is an overview of the Title III activities:

Year Two Implemented (2019–2020)

  • Digital Supplement Instruction Modules (DSIM) for selected high D, F, W, gateway courses
  • Online Summer Engagement Program (Countdown to College!) for selected first-year students
  • Foundational Coach Training for Buffalo State professional advisers, completion coaches, Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) counselors, Say Yes counselors, and faculty members
  • Noel Levitz College Student Inventory Training for Buffalo State professional advisers, completion coaches, Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) counselors, and Say Yes counselors on how to analyze individual results and create student success plans for first-year students

Year Three Focus (2020–2021)

  • Pilot First-Year Intrusive Academic Advising Plan that consists of minimum of three comprehensive academic advising interactions
  • Pilot First-Year Engagement Program (ROAR to Success!) that consists of regular interaction with completion coaches and BEAT peer mentors during students’ first year at Buffalo State
  • Design Targeted Tutoring plan to pilot during year four of the grant
  • Develop digital repository to share Digital Supplement Instruction Modules with faculty members

We thank the Title III Task Force and Design Teams members for their work and commitment to the design and implementation of the grant activities. Please visit the Title III website to review detailed plans for each activity and a list of people involved.

All questions regarding the Title III grant can be directed to Agnes Zak-Moskal, Title III activity director.

Submitted by: Agnieszka D. Zak-Moskal
Also appeared:
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Monday, August 31, 2020