Today's Message
Posted: Monday, March 15, 2021Tell Students: Tonight - Bengal Study Night: Midterm Edition
Ready up and relax for your midterms during our free virtual Bengal Study Night: Midterm Edition event tonight, March 15, from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. The event will feature midterm reviews, extended tutoring, games, relaxation, therapy dogs, and a workshop on preparing for midterms and finals.
Find the link(s) to your session(s) on the Bengal Study Night web page. The page is updated continuously, so stop back often.
For more information, please download the Bengal Study Night: Midterm Edition flier (PDF, 7.8 MB). A text-only version of the flier is also available on the Tutoring web site.
Please contact Lauren Copeland, coordinator of tutoring services, with questions.
Brought to you by the Student Achievement Programs and Buffalo State Tutoring Centers.