Today's Message
Posted: Thursday, February 2, 2017Tell Students: Buffalo State Travelers Club - New on Campus
The Buffalo State Travelers Club started last semester when students who were studying abroad returned from their adventures and wanted a place to share stories and learn about new travel opportunities. The Travelers Club is for seasoned travelers, new explorers, and storytellers. Please tell students about this exciting club on campus.
First Event: CHILE
Tuesday, February 7
12:151:30 p.m.
Butler Library 208
The International Professional Development Schools (IPDS) Chile program, through the School of Education, welcomes eight students and one faculty member from the Universidad Mayor in Santiago, Chile. Join us to learn more about Chile and exciting travel opportunities Refreshments provided.
Contacts: Gyasi Curry (president) and Eve Everette (staff adviser)
Monday, February 6, 2017
Tuesday, February 7, 2017