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Today's Message

Posted: Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Teacher Education Unit (TEU): Call for Committee Members, TEC Meeting Reminder - October 13

There are three standing committees on the Teacher Education Council (TEC): Assessment/Accreditation, Field/Clinical Experiences, and Recruitment and Retention. Membership on TEC committees is open to all Teacher Education Unit (TEU) members. The term for standing committee membership is two years. The chair of each standing committee shall submit for the consent of the TEC those names of members nominated to serve on that committee, reflecting representation across the teacher education programs included in the TEU. Each standing committee shall have the right to add as many non-voting members to its group as it deems fit, consistent with its charge. Membership on all committees is open to all TEU faculty and staff members. Representative participation by TEU members across programs is encouraged. If interested, please contact your program’s TEC representative or Joe Zawicki, associate professor of career, technical, and science education.

Meeting Reminder: Our next TEC meeting will be held Friday, October 13, at 1:00 p.m. in the Grande Conference Room, Cleveland Hall 418.

Submitted by: Joseph L. Zawicki
Also appeared:
Friday, October 6, 2023
Friday, October 13, 2023