Posted: Monday, December 21, 2015SUNY Web P-Card Go-Live Date: January 7
The Buffalo State campus community will use the new SUNY Procurement Card (P-Card) web application system beginning Thursday, January 7. This system is mandatory for all cardholders, as our current legacy system of certification will be phased out. All cardholders must be up to date on all past certifications in the legacy system no later than Wednesday, December 30. We must transition to the new system as a campus, not one cardholder at a time. This new web-based application will be much more user friendly and will greatly benefit our campus cardholders.
The new SUNY Financials P-Card web application is used to manage the regular operations of SUNYs P-Card program. The online system allows cardholders the ability to view their statements, reconcile and certify their monthly transactions, and change their own transaction and default accounts based on their individual accounting securities. Cardholders are able to access the P-Card web application from
All cardholders should become familiar with the new P-Card web application before January 7. Training on the new system is not mandatory; however, we will offer training sessions during Bengal Pause (12:301:30 p.m.) on the following dates:
Tuesday, January 19
Thursday, January 21
Tuesday, January 26
RSVP to Bonnie McKay, procurement and travel card administrator, 878-4117.
Stay up to date with current news on the Account Payable website.
Tuesday, December 22, 2015