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Today's Message

Posted: Monday, May 22, 2023

Student Accessibility Services: New Student Management System

Student Accessibility Services (SAS), located within Academic Commons, Butler Library 160, will implement a new student management system, Accommodate by Symplicity, in fall 2023 for all faculty and students. The SAS website will be updated over the summer with information on how to use and interact with this new interface. The system will be piloted with select faculty members and students over the summer to help us work out any existing issues in the process.

  • Accommodate will be used to distribute all notices of accommodation that students previously distributed as PDF attachments.
  • Faculty members will sign to acknowledge receipt of notice of accommodation.
  • Faculty members can view the names of all students in their courses who have requested accommodations in the course(s) they are teaching, in one location.

We are developing the “testing” module of this product and hope to implement this as soon as we are ready.

For further information or with questions, please email SAS.

Submitted by: Sumana Silverheels
Also appeared:
Thursday, May 25, 2023
Tuesday, May 30, 2023