Today's Message
Posted: Friday, November 18, 2022Rwanda 2023 Student Trip: Application Deadline Today
Please share the following information with your students about the upcoming Anne Frank Project student trip to Rwanda, Summer 2023:
Buffalo State College’s Anne Frank Project has been facilitating student trips to Rwanda, Africa, for over 10 years. Our students grow from this immersive experience in multiple ways. The lessons from Rwanda’s remarkable post-genocide reconciliation process are especially necessary today in our conflicted world. The power of forgiveness, community, compassion, and unity are explored through the use of stories on this unique international experience. Students receive 6 credit hours.
Students must complete the online application process before the deadline today, November 18. Once students have completed the online application, they will be contacted directly by the Anne Frank Project to schedule an in-person interview.
Important: Because of the inclement weather, please let interested students know they should reach out directly to Anne Frank Project director Professor Drew Kahn to make appropriate arrangements if they cannot make this deadline.