Posted: Thursday, May 16, 2013Results of the May 10 Senate Caucus
From the Chair of the Senate Bylaws and Elections Committee
College Senate Chair:
David Carson
College Senate Vice Chair (an electronic election will be held for the following nominees from May 28 to 31; further information will be forthcoming):
Barbara Sherman
Bill White
College Senate Standing Committee Chairs:
Academic Plan Committee: Jason Grinnell
Budget and Staff Allocation Committee: Ted Schmidt
Bylaws and Elections Committee: Bill White
Curriculum Committee: Karen Sands O’Connor
Faculty and Staff Welfare Committee: Kevin Williams
Instruction and Research Committee: Andrew Nicholls
Standards for Students Committee: Heather Maldonado
Student Welfare Committee: Jill D’Angelo, Vice Chair (The student chair of the Student Welfare Committee will be elected at the first meeting of the College Senate on September 13, 2013.)