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Posted: Friday, August 22, 2008

Reminder: NY-Alert Available for Faculty and Staff

The NY-Alert emergency notification system is available for Buffalo State faculty and staff members. To sign up, go to the SUNY employee portal, click on “SUNY Secure Sign On” on the right side of the page, select Buffalo State from the pull-down menu, and enter your NT user name and password. Once logged in, click on the NY Alert icon on the right side of the page, and follow the instructions.

This voluntary system delivers text messages, automated phone messages, and e-mails to participants. Examples of situations that could prompt a NY-Alert message include those involving bomb threats, fires, hazardous materials, civil disturbances, pandemics, perpetrators at large, active shooters, hostages, missing people, utility failures, flooding, extreme weather conditions, and the closing of campus. NY-Alert is administered by the New York State Emergency Management Office (SEMO). Please note that your personal information is not public and will never be sold or used for any other purpose.