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From the Provost

Posted: Thursday, November 17, 2016

Survey on Applied Learning

Last year, the SUNY Board of Trustees passed a resolution to ensure that every student in SUNY has the opportunity for an applied learning experience. As part of this resolution, each campus has been asked to formalize an Applied Learning Plan. The plan has each college examining the feasibility of including applied learning activities that meet the criteria for Approved Applied Learning as a degree requirement. Information on the criteria, as well as what has been submitted thus far, is available on the College Senate website.

We need your input by Friday, December 16, on whether or not you believe Approved Applied Learning should be a degree requirement at Buffalo State. This is your opportunity to provide feedback by completing this survey. Your feedback will be crucial to writing the feasibility and collaboration study that must be approved by the College Senate and USG, and submitted by May 1, 2017.

An Applied Learning Leadership Team has been charged with helping the provost complete this plan. That team includes Stephanie Zuckerman-Aviles, Buffalo State representative on the SUNY Provost’s Applied Learning Advisory Council; Amy McMillan, chair of the College Senate; and Ann Emo, chair of the Theater Department.

Also appeared:
Monday, November 21, 2016
Monday, November 28, 2016
