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From the Provost

Posted: Wednesday, September 28, 2016

General Education Task Force Membership

I am pleased to announce the members of the General Education Task Force:

Marc Bayer, Interim Director, Butler Library
Ann Emo, Chair and Associate Professor, Theater
Scott Goodman, Chair and Professor, Chemistry
Jason Grinnell, Chair and Associate Professor, Philosophy and Humanities
Jennifer Hunt, Associate Professor, Psychology
Kimberly Kline, Chair and Professor, Higher Education Administration
Jason Knight, Assistant Professor, Geography and Planning Department
Marguerite Knowles, Associate Professor, Communication
Michele Ninacs, Director, College Writing Program
Alice Pennisi, Chair and Associate Professor, Art Education
Gerard Puccio, Chair and Professor, Center for Studies in Creativity
Mark Severson, Dean, School of Natural and Social Sciences
Aimable Twagilimana, Professor, English
Julie Wieczkowski, Associate Professor, Anthropology
Kevin Williams, Associate Professor, Earth Sciences and Science Education
Kathy Wood, Associate Dean, School of Education

The task force will be charged with assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the current IF program, researching best practices in general education, and making recommendations for the campus community to consider as we look to fulfill the goals of the new strategic plan. Any recommended changes will be presented in a transparent and open collaboration with faculty, staff, and students.
