From the Provost
Posted: Monday, July 28, 2014Call for Nominations: Distinguished Faculty, Chancellors Awards for Excellence
I encourage members of the Buffalo State community to nominate deserving colleagues for Distinguished Professorships and Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence. A schedule for the receipt of nomination packages follows. Guidelines are available on the SUNY website.
Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Adjunct Teaching
Nominations are due to the provost, Cleveland Hall 519, by Monday, September 15, 2014.
Distinguished Teaching Professor or Distinguished Service Professor; Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, Professional Service, Librarianship, Scholarship and Creative Activities, or Faculty Service
Nominations are due to the provost, Cleveland Hall 519, by Monday, October 20, 2014 (academic year 2014–2015).
When possible, electronic nominations are preferred and should be submitted to Carolyn Martino, assistant to the provost.