From the President
Posted: Tuesday, March 8, 2011Workplace and Domestic Violence Prevention
Buffalo State College is committed to providing a safe work environment for all employees that is free from intimidation, threats, and violent acts. The university will respond promptly to threats, acts of violence, and acts of aggression by employees or against employees by co-workers, members of the public, or others. I encourage all employees to review the university’s Workplace Violence Prevention Policy at These documents set forth standards for employee conduct and guidelines for reasonable precautions, as well as procedures that should be followed should any threat or violence occur in our workplace.
NYS Labor Law Section 27b mandates that all public employees participate in annual workplace and domestic violence prevention training. Employees must fulfill this requirement either by attending one of the classes routinely announced in the Daily or by completing the web-based Workplace Violence Prevention Training, which can be accessed through ANGEL (view ANGEL log on guide).
All department heads should work with their employees to ensure that everyone completes this mandated training online or in a workshop by the end of 2011.
Information on workplace and domestic violence prevention training can be found at the above websites or by contacting the Human Resource Management Office: Sam Lunetta, workplace violence prevention trainer, ext. 4822.
Each of us shares responsibility for creating and maintaining a safe campus community, and I appreciate the cooperation of all employees in this important endeavor.