From the President
Posted: Tuesday, May 6, 2014Third Annual Retiree Breakfast: RSVP by Tomorrow
I am pleased to invite the campus community to the third annual breakfast honoring the faculty and staff members who have retired from Buffalo State this year. The event will take place on Tuesday, May 13, at 9:00 a.m. in the Campbell Student Union Assembly Hall. Reservations will be accepted until the end of the day tomorrow, May 7.
The following employees will be honored:
Stephen Andre, Engineering Technology
Sally Arnold, Speech-Language Pathology
Charles Bachman, English
Michael Backert, Campus Services
Salvatore Ballachino, Intercollegiate Athletics
Mack Bixby, Research Foundation
Barbara Bontempo, English
Raymond Brunner, Residence Life
Elizabeth Cappella, Higher Education Administration
Richard DeGlopper, Elementary Education and Reading
Paul DeWald, Communication
Lloyd Elm Sr., Elementary Education and Reading
Marianne Ferguson, Philosophy and Humanities
Timothy Fleury, Campus Services
Joseph Gidjunis, Research Foundation
Mary Graff, Elementary Education and Reading
Kathleen Grosskopf, Financial Aid
James Hanahan, Residence Life
Donna Hayes, Dietetics and Nutrition
Mark Henning, Computing Services
Donald Hetzner, History and Social Studies Education
Michael Incorvia, Center for Development of Human Services
Kathy Inskip, Music
Celeste LaBruna, Parking Services
Gail Marinaccio, E. H. Butler Library
Toni McClure, Residence Life
Andrea Montague, Residence Life
George Newman, E. H. Butler Library
Gerald Nosich, Philosophy and Humanities
Allen Podet, Philosophy and Humanities
Deborah Renzi, Social Work
Thomas Renzi, Academic Skills
Jean Richardson, History and Social Studies Education
Thomas Sadowski, Elementary Education and Reading
Janice Severson, Research Foundation
Irene Sipos, SSSP/Writing Program
Sally Speed, Research Foundation
Lynn Weldon, Fine Arts
To make a reservation, please contact Melissa Slisz, staff assistant in the President’s Office, ext. 4102, by May 7. Tickets are $10; please make checks payable to the Buffalo State College Foundation and return to Cleveland Hall 517.