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From the President

Posted: Thursday, May 16, 2019

Search Committee Appointed: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

I am pleased to announce the members of the search committee for the provost and vice president for academic affairs position at Buffalo State College:

Chair: Timothy Gordon, Vice President for Student Affairs

William Benfanti, Associate Vice President for Government Relations, Institutional Advancement Office
Elisa Bergslien, Associate Professor, Earth Sciences and Science Education Department
Janelle Brooks, Assistant Dean, Student Conduct and Community Standards Office
Jane Cushman, Chair and Associate Professor, Mathematics Department
Kathy Doody, Associate Professor, Exceptional Education Department
Khaleel Gathers, Deputy CIO and Director of Technology, Planning, and Outreach; Information Technology VP Office
David Henry, Associate Professor, Elementary Education, Literacy, and Educational Leadership Department
Scott Johnson, Associate Professor, Criminal Justice Department
Kimberly Kline, Professor, Higher Education Administration Department
Susan Maguire, Associate Professor, Anthropology Department
Joseph Marren, Professor, Communication; Chair, College Senate
Gerard Puccio, Chair and Professor, Center for Studies in Creativity
Laura Hill Rao, Director, Civic and Community Engagement Office
Patrick Ravines, Director and Associate Professor, Art Conservation Department
Donna Scuto, Associate Vice President, Sponsored Programs Office
Deborah Silverman, Chair and Associate Professor, Communication Department
Mark Warford, Chair and Associate Professor, Modern and Classical Languages Department
Diantha Watts, Interim Director, Educational Pipeline Initiatives Office
Kathy Wood, Associate Dean, School of Education

The committee is charged with soliciting applications and interviewing candidates for consideration in a national search for the position of provost and vice president for academic affairs at Buffalo State College. I thank those who are serving on the committee for their work on this important task. More information will be forthcoming.
