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From the President

Posted: Thursday, May 14, 2020

Response to College Senate Recommendation: Policy on Open Access

At its February 14, 2020, meeting, the College Senate voted in favor of a resolution on a new DOPS Policy for Open Access, brought by the College Senate Instruction and Research Committee. The resolution is below inclusive in this memo with the approved language.

WHEREAS, the State University of New York Board of Trustees and Chancellor’s Office issued the “Campus Open Access Policies” resolution requiring that each campus develop and adopt an open access policy that recognizes each campus’s unique mission and culture by no later than March 31, 2020; and

WHEREAS, the Buffalo State College Faculty recognize the importance of disseminating their research broadly, promoting equitable access to their scholarly output, and ensuring the long-term preservation of their work; and

WHEREAS, Buffalo State College faculty routinely produce scholarly and creative works that are of public interest, inform the works of other scholars, and promote scholarly activities in their respective fields; and

WHEREAS, the scholarly and creative works of Buffalo State College faculty are frequently published in leading journals, many of which have open access provisions; and

WHEREAS, access to scholarly journals has become increasingly cost-prohibitive for SUNY faculty, staff and students, and for the libraries that support them, and awareness of journal open access provisions and/or opportunities for shared resources that would increase access can be improved,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Buffalo State College adopt the following policy for open access.


Policy Number:                                                                                                     
Subject: Open Access

In agreement with the SUNY Chancellor’s “Campus Open Access Policies and System Repository Resolution,” Buffalo State College Faculty (Faculty) recognize the importance of disseminating their research broadly, promoting equitable access to their scholarly output, and ensuring the long-term preservation of their work. In support of these goals, Faculty choose to make their scholarly journal articles available in the Buffalo State Repository (Digital Commons) or another open access repository.

Butler Library commits to providing the necessary ancillary services related to this policy. After an article is accepted for publication, Faculty who choose to deposit their work in the Buffalo State Repository, can provide the Library with an electronic copy of their full-text, peer-reviewed article manuscript and the Library will deposit it, respecting any restrictions imposed by academic publisher licensing agreements.

This policy places no restrictions or conditions on the journals in which Faculty publish; journal selection is entirely up to each faculty member. This policy applies to articles published by current Faculty after the effective date of this policy.

I hereby accept the recommendation of the College Senate and charge the provost with responsibility for overseeing the implementation of this policy change and for communicating the change to the campus community.
