From the President
Posted: Thursday, April 3, 2014Response to College Senate Recommendation: Endorsement of Administrative Fee Increase
At its March 14, 2014, meeting, the College Senate voted to endorse the Administrative Fee increase of 2.6 percent and forward a resolution to the interim president for consideration and action:
Recommendation on 2014 Endorsement of the Administrative Fee Increase of 2.6%
WHEREAS, enrollments have declined for the past two years, causing a reduction in revenues for the broad-based fee accounts; and
WHEREAS, fringe benefit costs continue to increase expenses in Athletics and Health; and
WHEREAS, the administration has proposed to balance accounts by waiving administrative overhead expenses, internal reallocations, and fee increases; and
WHEREAS, the Transportation Fee is set by contract,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Budget and Staff Allocation Committee and the Student Welfare Committee recommend that the College Senate support the administration’s broad-based fee increase of 2.6 percent (or $25) for the 2014–15 fiscal year, with the following individual changes: increases for Athletics = $10.64; Health = $12.62; and Transportation = $12.80; and a decrease for Technology = -$11.06.
I hereby accept the recommendation of the College Senate and authorize the vice president for finance and management to initiate the necessary process to implement the fee increase of 2.6 percent for the 2014–15 academic year.