From the President
Posted: Thursday, September 8, 2016Response to College Senate Recommendation: DOPS Policy on Critique and Evaluation Period
At its May 6, 2016, meeting, the College Senate voted to recommend to the president the following revision to the current DOPS Policy on Critique and Evaluation Period:
Buffalo State College
Policy Number: I:16:01
Date: May 2016
Subject: Critique and Evaluation Period (CEP)
Critique and Evaluation Period (CEP) is scheduled at the end of each semester. CEP is designed to provide a single class meeting during which the instructor and students have an extended period of uninterrupted time to conduct appropriate end-of-course activities. CEP is designed for classes that meet more than once a week during the semester. Classes (evening or day) that meet only once a week have sufficient time for final evaluation; therefore, they will follow their regular schedule (exams to be scheduled during CEP).
The following regulations govern CEP:
- All instructors are expected to meet their classes at the scheduled time during CEP and to prepare an appropriate activity that reflects the academic goals of the course and the intent of CEP.
- An instructor may choose, should he or she prefer, to hold a final exam, review, critique of papers, course summations, individual presentations, demonstrations, etc.
- Instructors will not schedule a final exam prior to CEP. Instructors may not change the date and time of their final class periods during CEP. In the event of an emergency, instructors should confer with the appropriate dean and notify the vice president for academic affairs.
- CEPs will be scheduled for one-hour-and-fifty-minute periods. Instructors are not to increase or decrease the scheduled CEP time.
- In the event of an emergency that closes the school, CEPs scheduled for the time of the closing will be rescheduled as appropriate.
- Faculty members must post office hours during which they will be available during CEP week to meet with students.
I hereby approve the language for the DOPS I:16:01 Policy on the Critique and Evaluation Period (CEP) at Buffalo State College. I charge the provost with the responsibility of incorporating the new language into the Faculty Handbook and disseminating it broadly and widely to all faculty, students, and staff. This revision should be considered effective as of May 12, 2016.