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From the President

Posted: Thursday, February 26, 2015

Response to College Senate Recommendation: Changes to DOPS Policy on Extra Service

At its February 13, 2015, meeting, the College Senate approved a resolution to revise the Policy on Extra Service and forward the recommendation to the president for review and final action:

The original policy DOPS VI:07:00 Guidelines for “Extra Service” Compensation, Item 2, reads as follows:

2. These special assignments must not interfere with the individual’s regular professional responsibilities. It must be clearly demonstrated that such research or other service exceeds that which is normally performed under the regular obligation.

The proposed revision to the policy appears in boldface type below:

2. These special assignments must not interfere with the individual’s regular professional responsibilities. It must be clearly demonstrated that such research or other service exceeds that which is normally performed under the regular obligation. The approval of extra service must include consideration of the employee’s current workload and job performance. Specific guidelines include the following expectations:

  • All extra service requests must be approved in advance.
  • Extra service for instruction of a course is typically limited to one 3-credit course in a semester or term.
  • A written justification from the employee’s supervisor is required for extra service consideration if the request is to instruct a second course for extra service during a semester or term.
  • A written justification from the employee’s supervisor is required for extra service consideration if the employee proposed for any extra service does not have permanent or continuing appointment.
  • A written justification from the employee’s supervisor is required for extra service consideration if the proposed extra service will occur during the employee’s normal business hours. The justification must describe how regular professional obligations will be met.

I accept the recommendation of the College Senate regarding changes to the Guidelines for “Extra Service” Compensation. I hereby authorize the provost to oversee the implementation and communication of this change in policy to become effective immediately.
