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From the President

Posted: Thursday, June 30, 2022

Response to College Senate Recommendation: Change in Major

At the April meeting of the College Senate, the Instruction and Research Committee brought forth for a vote a resolution to revise DOPS Policy I: 06:02 Change of Major. The College Senate voted in favor of the resolution, presented by interim committee chair Senator Gregory Wadsworth on April 8, 2022.


Policy Number: I:06:02                     
Date:  Revision
Subject: Change in Major
Original DOPS Policy: (PDF, 64 KB)

Policy Number: I:06:02
Date Revised: April 2022
Subject: Change of Major

Incoming first-year undergraduate students who want to change their major before the start of their first semester may initiate the major change process with the Academic Advisement Center. Continuing students who want to change their major after the start of their first semester may initiate the major-change process by contacting the academic department of the new major to gain the approval of the department chair.

If the department chair of the new major approves the change, a Change of Major Form will be forwarded by the new department to the Registrar’s Office for recording. Department chairs may refuse a student's request for acceptance to a major based on published requirements and prerequisites.   Students may initiate the change of major at any time but are encouraged to make the request to the new department at least two weeks prior to registration for the next semester to allow students to register for courses in the new major. Students are further encouraged to contact the Financial Aid Office prior to requesting a change of major to verify the impact to their aid eligibility.

An undergraduate student on academic probation will not be permitted to transfer to a new major without the approval of the associate dean of the new major. For the student changing to undeclared the Associate Dean of the current major will assist the student to seek appropriate academic advisement.

Graduate students wishing to transfer from one degree curriculum to another must apply to the new degree program in accordance with established deadline dates and current admission requirements.

I hereby accept the recommendation of the College Senate and charge the provost with responsibility for overseeing the implementation of this policy change and for communicating the change to the campus community.
