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From the President

Posted: Thursday, March 7, 2019

Response to College Senate Recommendation: Addition of DOPS Course Audit Policy

At its December 14, 2018, meeting, the College Senate voted in favor of a new DOPS Course Audit Policy, to be implemented as follows:

DOPS Addition: Course Audit Policy
Drafted by the College Senate Instruction and Research Committee and the College Senate Standards for Students Committee.
Introduced at the October 12, 2018, College Senate meeting.
Presented for discussion and vote at the December 14, 2018, College Senate meeting. 

WHEREAS, there is currently no policy for auditing courses at Buffalo State; and

WHEREAS, it is important to have clear definitions of auditing; and

WHEREAS, it is important to be able to document the number of people who are auditing at Buffalo State; and

WHEREAS, it is important to have an accurate course roster for the purposes of safety and risk management; and

WHEREAS, having a formal auditing procedure will help facilitate appropriate access to technology (e.g., Blackboard) and resources (e.g., library) for non-degree-seeking students; and

WHEREAS, a formal audit policy will enable appropriate offices on campus to assess the application of appropriate fees (e.g., technology), which are currently covered by enrolled students,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Buffalo State College adopt the following Course Audit Policy; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the administrative units involved be given ample time (at least one year from the adoption of this policy) to make the necessary updates to forms and processing technology (e.g., Banner, Degree Works, Blackboard) in order to update and test the function of Banner to ensure that records will be processed properly before fully implementing this policy.

Policy Number: I:09:01 (proposed number)
Date: October 2018
SUBJECT: Course Audit Policy


  • Currently enrolled students
    -- With instructor permission, students who are currently enrolled in the college may audit classes. Students will be required to complete the audit form. Audit courses do not count toward full-time status.
  • Faculty and staff/research scholars
    -- Faculty and staff may audit courses. Auditors must complete the audit form.
  • Non-degree-seeking students
    -- Students who have completed the non-degree-seeking application through the Admissions Office may audit classes. Auditors must complete the audit form and may have limited access to campus services and technology.


General criteria for all auditors:

  • Auditing provides a person permission to regularly attend and participate in a class without receiving a grade or earning credit.
  • Auditors must obtain approval from the instructor of the course.

 -- Auditing is a privilege and requires instructor approval. No one can claim the right to audit any course at any given time.
-- An audit form that includes approval of the instructor and the department chair must be completed and submitted to the Registrar’s Office by the add/drop deadline for the semester in which the audit will take place.
-- Students who have been previously dismissed or are on academic probation must also obtain permission from the associate dean and meet conditions for readmission to the college in order to audit a course.
-- The auditor’s role beyond attending the course, such as completing assignments, receiving instructor feedback, and taking exams, should be agreed upon with the instructor.

  • Auditors may be admitted only if the classroom capacity has not been met with regular enrollment. The audit agreement will be voided if maximum classroom capacity has been met by the add/drop deadline.
  • Course auditors may be expected to purchase textbooks and supplies necessary to participate in the course (e.g., art supplies). 
  • Auditing is not permitted for the following:
    --Study-abroad programs, student teaching, fieldwork, independent study, thesis, senior projects, SUNY cross-registration, or classes that include patient-client contact.
  • Special considerations for laboratory and studio classes:
    -- See DOPS Policy I:09:00.
    -- Course auditors may be required to pay laboratory or similar fees associated with the course.

The auditing student will NOT receive a grade or earn credit toward a class.

  • Audited courses do not count toward full-time status for enrolled students.
  • Auditors may not retroactively register or request (e.g., petition) to receive credit in a course they are auditing. If a student registers for the same course in a different semester, the student is responsible for completing all course requirements during the semester in which the student is registered. 
  • Work completed in an audited course may not be used toward improving a previous grade or for extended registration because of an incomplete (I) grade.
  • A student may not audit a course for which he or she is currently enrolled. The student must drop the course and seek audit approval before the add/drop deadline.

Additional criteria for non-degree-seeking auditors:

  • Auditors who are not seeking a degree and/or are not currently enrolled in the college must complete a non-degree application and related documentation through the Admissions Office as well as complete and submit the audit form.
  • Non-degree-seeking auditors will not be charged tuition; however, other fees may apply.
    -- Non-degree-seeking auditors may be required to pay fees that could include but are not limited to a registration fee, a class or lab fee, and a fee to cover technology and library use on campus.
    -- Auditors 60 years of age and older may be exempt from a registration fee.
  • Non-degree-seeking auditors are expected to adhere to all college policies and the Student Code of Conduct.
  • Auditors must adhere to parking rules and regulations and may need to purchase a parking pass if parking on campus.

I hereby approve the resolution on the DOPS Course Audit Policy and authorize immediate implementation of the policy. I charge the provost with the responsibility of overseeing and ensuring implementation and communication of the policy to all appropriate constituents.
