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From the President

Posted: Monday, February 13, 2023

2023 Commencement Ceremonies: May 20

I am pleased to announce that Buffalo State University will hold its 2023 Commencement ceremonies on Saturday, May 20. As in the past, we will continue to hold three individual ceremonies to accommodate our graduates, their families and guests, and the faculty and staff members who wish to share in celebrating the hard work and accomplishments of our graduates.

The Commencement Committee has recommended—and I have wholeheartedly agreed—that instead of having two undergraduate ceremonies and one graduate ceremony we will now hold three ceremonies by academic school, with respective master’s degrees and advanced graduate certificate programs folded into their academic schools.

Therefore, 2023 ceremonies will be held as follows:

  • School of the Professions - 9:00 a.m.
  • School of Education, including Individualized and Multidisciplinary Studies - 1:00 p.m.
  • School of Arts and Sciences - 5:00 p.m.

Commencement is our high academic day, and this will be the first graduating class of Buffalo State University. These three ceremonies will honor the past, celebrate our graduates’ accomplishments, reflect on the academic year, welcome graduates into the Buffalo State Alumni Association, and reunite alumni with their academic homes. Although Commencement is a serious occasion, the events should also be fun, engaging, meaningful, and memorable for all involved—graduates, faculty, staff, alumni, and family. Overall, Commencement will be conducted with the express intent to incorporate established traditions, develop new rituals, and enhance Bengal Pride throughout our university community. 

Each ceremony will have its own Commencement speaker, who will deliver a message that I believe will truly resonate with each school’s graduates, faculty, staff, and guests. We look forward to announcing those speakers soon.

I would like to thank the Commencement Committee members for their hard work in the process thus far, and I look forward to a fabulous day of ceremonies on May 20!
