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From the President

Posted: Friday, October 26, 2018

2018-2019 College Senate Administrative Liaisons and Presidential Appointees

I am pleased to announce the following administrative liaisons and presidential appointees to the College Senate for the 2018–2019 academic year:

Committee Chair: Joseph Marren, Professor, Communication; Chair, College Senate
Academic Plan: Melanie Perreault, Provost and Vice President, Academic Affairs
Budget and Staff Allocations: James Thor, Associate Vice President, Finance and Management; Comptroller
Bylaws and Elections: William Benfanti, Associate Vice President, Government Relations and Alumni Engagement
Curriculum: Amitra Wall, Associate Provost; Ex Officio: Nigel Mariner, Registrar
Faculty and Staff Welfare: Susan Earshen, Associate Vice President, Human Resource Management
Instruction and Research: Wendy Paterson, Dean, School of Education
Standards for Students: Sarah Young, Dean of Students
Student Welfare: Rock Doyle, Assistant Vice President, Weigel Wellness Center
Presidential Appointee: James Mayrose, Dean, School of the Professions
Presidential Appointee: Mark Severson, Dean, School of Education
