Posted: Thursday, December 13, 2007Maria Ceprano , Professor, Elementary Education and Reading
Maria Ceprano, professor, Elementary Education and Reading, recently published a paper with a student collaborator, Pamela Sivret, titled “Experiencing Cambourne’s Model through Pen-Palling: Children and Junior Practitioners Co-learning about Literacy,” inSchool-University Partnerships, the journal of the National Association for Professional Development Schools 1 (2): Fall 2007.
In collaboration with professors Barbara Bontempoand Geraldine Bard, English, Ceprano delivered a research-based presentation, “Teacher Candidates Connecting with Parents: Demonstrations on How to Promote Literacy Development at Home,” at the New York State Reading Association (NYSRA) Conference in Saratoga Springs, New York, November 7–9.
Ceprano, along with graduate student Lisa Sukdolak (2007), designed and presented a poster session at the biennial Kappa Delta Pi (KDP) Biennial Convocation, held in Louisville, Kentucky, November 12–14. The presentation documented a two-year service project wherein student volunteers from KDP pen-palled with special needs children from a high-need urban school.