Today's Message
Posted: Thursday, March 16, 2023DISCovering Communication Styles in the Workplace: Learning Ways to Manage Stress by Style - April 13
Please join us for the professional development workshop "DISCovering Communication Styles in the Workplace: Learning Ways to Manage Stress" on Thursday, April 13, from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m. in Butler Library 318.
DISC is a self-assessment tool that measures how an individual prefers to interact with others. DISC creates a common language and a self-awareness to better understand ourselves and others. The online DISC questionnaire takes only 10 minutes to complete. How can we use DISC to manage stress? We live in a fast-paced society, with many people, interactions, and demands. While we may not feel stressed all the time, every one of us finds ourselves in situations that cause us to feel stressed. When we are pressured or stressed, we simply don't have the same energy and focus to modify our styles; therefore, we become more of who we are naturally. If we have more self-awareness of our DISC style and our stress triggers and reactions, then we are more likely to be able to manage ourselves when we are in stressful situations.
Please register through the Workshop Registration System by Monday, April 3, to receive instructions on how to complete the DISC assessment.
Please contact Rebecca Eggleston, professional development assistant, with questions.
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Monday, April 3, 2023