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Posted: Friday, February 3, 2023

Butler Library Faculty Scholarship Series Starts February 16

Butler Library will host a three-part Faculty Scholarship Series, presented by Joseph Riggie, head of information management, and Chris Hulsman, electronic and educational resources librarian. Attendance at all workshops in the series is optional. All workshops will be held from 12:15 to 1:00 p.m. in Butler Library 318. Please register through the Workshop Registration System.

Part 1: Research Resources for Faculty: Butler Library’s Access to Journal Packages, Interlibrary Loan, and Other Digital Tools
Thursday, February 16
This workshop focuses on Butler Library’s subscription access to scholarly journal packages. Find out which journal packages and which publisher subscriptions you have access to. We will explain our discovery system, Alma/Primo ALL Search, and other modern research databases that are available to you and your students. We also explain our interlibrary loan and resource-sharing services and the upcoming changes that will expedite accessing resources we may not subscribe to. Additionally, we will review individual library research instruction workshops that are available for your classes and specific research assignments.

Part 2: Know Your Impact: Using Bibliometrics and Altmetrics to Measure the Impact of Your Research
Tuesday, March 21
This workshop addresses our library subscription tools that will assist you in measuring your scholarship’s impact and reach. Using our Web of Science subscription, we can find which research is citing your scholarship. Additionally, we can help you find bibliometrics like H-Index. More recent measurements have surfaced over the last decade like Altmetrics that measure where your research might be mentioned in news outlets, social media, and citation software like Mendeley.

Part 3: Playing the Open Access ‘Mind’ Field: Dodging Predatory Journals and Article Processing Charges
Tuesday, April 11
This workshop addresses the open access publishing landscape. Publishing open access has become ubiquitous in academia and will continue to grow, as any federally funded study must be open access (OA) when published starting in 2026. Many obstacles and concerns surround open access publishing, especially predatory journals and avoiding the escalating costs of article processing charges (APCs). We will discuss strategies to avoid predatory publishers and dodge APCs in the open access realm. We will also discuss recent agreements that may waive OA publishing APCs for Buffalo State faculty now and in the future for some publishers.

Submitted by: Natalie L. Wills
Also appeared:
Thursday, February 9, 2023
Tuesday, February 14, 2023