Posted: Thursday, August 23, 2007Reminder: Credit Hour Reports and Audits
On August 14, Enrollment Management mailed each department chair a list of students who completed 90 or more credits at the completion of the spring semester. The department also mailed individual Degree Navigator audits for each of the students on the report, including summer registrations and any fall semester registrations as of August 3.
The purpose of the reports and audits is to help departments identify a pool of students for whom advisement is a high priority. Any professor who has not yet seen the information is encouraged to check with his or her department chair.
Enrollment Management also e-mailed students to make them aware of their current status, and asked that they contact their department adviser if they have any questions or concerns about their track toward graduation.
Enrollment Management is very interested in feedback on this process. Please e-mail Associate Vice PresidentMark Petrie or call him at ext. 3640 with your thoughts. The department hopes you find this new tool to be helpful.