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From the President

Posted: Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Buffalo State College Needs Your Help

This has been a challenging year at Buffalo State as we have faced numerous state-imposed budget cuts. Thus far, our budget has been reduced by $11 million for the 2008–2009 academic year. Recently, the campus was promised that 10 percent of the spring 2009 tuition increase would be available to support the educational needs of our students, yet more than 100 percent of that increase was captured by the state to fill budget gaps elsewhere. We simply cannot afford to go through another round of substantial cuts during the upcoming legislative budget session.

It is important that state legislators and the governor hear from you that New York must make a smart investment in Buffalo State College and the State University of New York. Buffalo State is a key partner in Western New York, and SUNY is pivotal statewide to driving New York’s economic recovery and developing the educated citizenry that will return the state to global prominence.

Let the Legislature hear your voice! Send a letter to your legislators here: Follow the link to get involved.

Your letter will send a message to state legislators that New Yorkers want to see strong state investment in the SUNY system. Public higher education is an important investment that benefits all New Yorkers.

Buffalo State College and SUNY will be asking legislators to:
-Ensure that SUNY retain 100 percent of its tuition revenue.
-Allow SUNY to implement a rational tuition policy.
-Provide appropriate state support.
-Increase SUNY’s administrative and operational flexibility.

Public higher education is an important investment that benefits all New Yorkers. Your letter will send a message to state legislators that New Yorkers want to see strong state investment in Buffalo State College and the SUNY system. Please ask our legislators to ensure that SUNY retain 100 percent of its tuition revenue; allow SUNY to implement a rational tuition policy; provide appropriate state support for students; and increase SUNY’s administrative and operational flexibility.

PLEASE NOTE: Signing up for the advocacy alerts is important but needs to be done on your own personal time and with your own personal computer. While we are able to send out this informational alert to you, employees of the State University system are prohibited from using governmental resources, supported in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, by state, local, or federal funds, including computers, postage, and stationery, to communicate to state, local, and federal representatives through the use of the materials on the SUNY Advocates Web site. Employees who so communicate should do so in their personal and not their official capacities, on their personal time, and without the use or identification of their official titles or positions.
Thank you for your support.

Dr. Muriel A. Howard
Buffalo State College

P.S. To stay updated on SUNY’s efforts at the Capitol, visit the Buffalo State home on the SUNY Advocates Web site: The site provides a wide variety of resources and tools to help you advocate for Buffalo State at the Capitol.