Posted: Monday, October 15, 2007Daylight Saving Changes May Affect Your Outlook Calendar
Beginning this year, a new law changed the timing of daylight saving time (DST) to begin two weeks earlier (in March) and end a week later, on the first Sunday in November. Computing and Technology Services updated campus devices in March to account for this change. However, Microsoft has warned that even after Exchange and Outlook are updated on the servers and client machines, users may find that some calendar items occurring in those extended DST periods (March 11–April 1 and October 28–November 4) may be one hour off.
As the end of October nears, we recommend that you keep printed copies of your Outlook/Entourage calendars for the period October 28–November 4 and verify those meeting times on your computer after October 28. Palm and other PDA devices may also be affected by the DST changes, so verify the time on your devices on October 28 as well.
Please call the Computing Help Desk at ext. 4357 with questions.
As the end of October nears, we recommend that you keep printed copies of your Outlook/Entourage calendars for the period October 28–November 4 and verify those meeting times on your computer after October 28. Palm and other PDA devices may also be affected by the DST changes, so verify the time on your devices on October 28 as well.
Please call the Computing Help Desk at ext. 4357 with questions.