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From the Vice President for Finance and Management

Posted: Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Tell Students: Multi-factor Authentication for Student Log-Ins Begins June 6

As part of the SUNY-wide initiative to protect student privacy and data, Buffalo State College is in the process of implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) across campus. Student log-ins will have this extra layer of security turned on beginning Monday, June 6. This measure will keep students’ accounts safe even if their log-in credentials are compromised.

Initially, this additional layer of protection will be enabled only for student email accounts (Gmail) and any Microsoft 365 services that students access via (e.g., OneDrive, Word online) but will soon expand to include other Buffalo State and SUNY-linked log-ins.  

Students are encouraged to register now by following these steps to set up two-step verification for Gmail and to set up MFA for Microsoft 365 services. It is important to note that the Microsoft MFA in the second link will eventually become the verification method students will use for all Buffalo State and SUNY-linked log-ins (once MFA is turned on for these sites).

If students have questions, please refer them to the MFA frequently asked questions page. They can also contact the IT Help Desk by email at, by phone at (716) 878-HELP, or in person by stopping by the office in Butler Library (on the ground floor behind the "Ask Us" counter).

Thank you for your assistance as these changes are rolled out.

Also appeared:
Friday, June 3, 2022
