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From the Vice President for Finance and Management

Posted: Wednesday, January 12, 2022

COVID-19 Health and Safety Campus Reminders

As we are preparing for the spring semester amid evolving guidance related to the pandemic, we will begin to provide you with current guidelines related to health and safety campus protocols. 

This weekly guidance will be posted in the Daily Bulletin until February 8, after which time we will refer you to the college’s Coronavirus Information website for current information.

Employee COVID-19 Daily Screening Questionnaire
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, we continue to be agile and flexible in following all appropriate protocols set forth by the state, SUNY, and CDC. 

While there is still much to learn about the new Omicron COVID-19 variant, we will continue to evolve from where we were in spring 2020. Vaccines and boosters as well as the wearing of masks have helped in our efforts by providing us with tools that were not available two years ago. We have done a remarkable job of adhering to the guidelines, and we should be proud of our commitment and efforts.

At the start of the pandemic, all employees were asked to complete a Daily Health Screening of their personal health status. This tool has helped individuals understand the symptoms related to COVID-19 as well as the importance of monitoring their own health daily. As our campus community has been evolving with the pandemic, beginning the week of Monday, January 17, 2022, faculty and staff members will no longer be required to complete the Employee COVID-19 Daily Screening Questionnaire; instead, faculty and staff members will be reminded via email to continue to monitor their personal health status and to report any symptomatic or positive case to their supervisors and Human Resource Management. The health and safety of our campus community remains our number one priority.

Reporting Positive Cases and Monitoring Health
Any employee who receives a positive COVID-19 test result should report it to his or her supervisor and to Human Resource Management at

Erie County is currently following updated guidance (January 4, 2022) from the New York State Department of Health for isolation and quarantine. Read the new guidance online (PDF, 146 KB).

Weekly Surveillance Testing
Employees who do not wish to disclose their vaccination status or who are not fully vaccinated must continue to participate in weekly COVID-19 surveillance pool testing. 

Self-testing kits are available for pickup at the University Police “Safe Trade Zone,” Chase Hall 126.

You may also pick up test kits at the COVID-19 Testing Center in Buckham Hall's D Wing gym during normal testing hours.

All members of our campus community are reminded that, regardless of vaccination status, proper face coverings are required to be worn in all indoor spaces unless individuals are actively eating or drinking. Face coverings remain one of the best protections we have against the spread of illness, and it is critically important that we adhere to these protocols for everyone’s safety.

Vaccines and Boosters
We strongly encourage employees to voluntarily provide proof of vaccination and boosters to the Human Resource Management Office. As we continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, having employees’ voluntary vaccination information is key to our efforts. You can upload your information or call Human Resources at (716) 878-3042 to schedule an appointment to provide your documentation in person.

COVID-19 vaccine and booster appointments are available through New York State’s vaccine website.

Looking Ahead
As we prepare for the return of our students and the start of the spring semester on January 31, all members of our campus community are reminded that we must continue our commitment to work together in protecting the campus community while protecting ourselves and maintaining a safe in-person semester.

All updates to guidance will be announced in the Daily Bulletin.
