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Curricular Items

Posted: Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the Curricular Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the Senate Curriculum Committee for review and approval:

New Program:
Family and Consumer Sciences and Education

New Course:
ANT 323 Anthropology of Disease. Prerequisites:  ANT 100 or instructor permission. Ill health from an anthropological perspective.  Biological anthropology; how cultural activities contribute to the spread of disease; how disease manifests itself in the archaeological record; how the language used for disease impacts thinking about disease; how anthropologists contribute to the fight against disease. Understanding epidemiological concepts via current events.

New Courses and Intellectual Foundations Designations:
ANT 310 Mesoamerican Archaeology. Prerequisites: ANT 100 or instructor permission. Overview of ancient civilizations of Mesoamerica, including Olmecs, Maya, Monte Alban, Teotihuacan, Toltecs, and Aztecs using archaeological evidence, hieroglyphic texts, iconography, and ethnohistorical sources. Comparative analysis of art, architecture, religion, political structure, economic and social organization of societies in Mesoamerica from archaic foraging groups through Spanish contact.

ANT 332 Women and Men in Prehistory. Prerequisites: ANT 100 or instructor permission. Gender, the cultural construction of gender roles, the impact of gender roles on social structure, the reflection of gender and gender roles on the material culture of past human societies. Overview of concepts including gender, sex, gender role, alternative genders, and historical development of gender archaeology. Variation in gender roles in a range of prehistoric societies, with emphasis on ancient civilizations. Archaeological resources relating to gender including art and iconography, burial patterns and human remains, settlement patterns and architecture, and craft production and division of labor. 

Advanced to the President
The following have been approved by the Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the president for review and approval:

Program Revision:
Minor in Mathematics (1718), MAT

New Courses:
CHI 301 Chinese Conversation and Composition I
CHI 302 Chinese Conversation and Composition II
HIS 645 Gender Sexuality and Imperialism
MAT 318 Mathematical Modeling
MAT 319 Mathematical Biology
MAT 481 Stochastic Processes
MAT 484 Applied Statistics II
