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Curricular Items

Posted: Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee

Advanced to the President
The following have been approved by the Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the president for review and approval:

New Courses:
FRE 321 Issues and Themes in the Francophone World
FRE 420 Literature and Society of Francophone Canada: 1700 to the Present
MUS 315 Vocal Jazz Ensemble
MUS 641 Repertoire and Ensemble Leadership
THA 232 Stage Management

Course Revision:
AED 398 Art, Society, and New Media Technologies for Art Educators

Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee for fall 2012 review and approval:

New Courses:
DES 478 Web Design II. Prerequisites: Communication design major, junior or senior status, and DES 378. Creating interactive Internet sites from a communication design perspective. Builds on concept and software knowledge from DES 378. Integration of design aesthetics, information organization, image preparation, and creative interface design and usability. Incorporates audio, video, still image, motion, and text and data management for the delivery of interactive content.

DES 479 Motion Design II. Prerequisites: DES 376 and DES 378. Integration of type, graphics, and images using language of motion and emphasizing story and structure in time-based media. Real-world applications include title and credit sequences, product demos and advertising, and entertainment.

DMP 331 Intermediate Recording. Prerequisites: DMP 321 and acceptance to DMP minor. A hands-on approach to digital audio recording and production techniques including recording, microphone, editing, and mixing using professional recording software. Student-led recording sessions.

DMP 341 Advanced Recording. Prerequisite: DMP 331. In-depth study of recording techniques and tools used in the modern recording industry, advanced mixing techniques used in commercial music, and critical listening and music analysis from contemporary recorded music. Student recording, performance, and engineering.

DMP 351 Electronic Music Composition II. Prerequisite: DMP 350. Focus on the creative use of sound, music, and video through the exploration of key software tools for electronic music composition, music performance, mixed media, and sound installations. Advance technical and theoretical knowledge of electronic music and development of music composition skills.

DMP 360 Digital Music Ensemble. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Electronic music performance in an ensemble setting with analog and digital musical instruments, portable computing devices, and custom digital controllers. Emphasis on new approaches and skills for the performance and composition of electronic and computer music.

DMP 450 Interactive Computer Music. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Integrating computers with digital controllers, smart phones, tablets, and off-the-shelf gaming devices; exploring real-time interactive music performance, sound synthesis, and music composition; concepts and skills for analog and digital synthesis; theoretical and practical knowledge in real-time sound-processing techniques.

FLE 403 Foundations of Foreign and Second Language Education. Prerequisite: FLE 300 (may be taken concurrently with instructor permission). Introduction to the historical, psychological, social, and philosophical foundations of foreign and second language instruction. 

FLE 516 Literacy for ESL Teaching. Prerequisite: Graduate status or instructor permission. Development of literacy in English for students with non-English-language backgrounds and proficiency in literacy-centered language teaching practices.

FLE 539 Linguistics for Teachers. Prerequisites: Graduate status and instructor permission. Introduction to language as a system, with particular focus on how linguistic understanding contributes to teaching effectiveness in foreign language courses.

FLE 607 Middle School Practicum in Foreign Languages. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Supervised foreign language teaching in a middle school five days per week with additional participation in school programming required.

FLE 608 High School Practicum in Foreign Language Teaching. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Supervised foreign language teaching in a high school five days per week with additional participation in school programming required.

IDE 102 Digital Presentation Methods. Corequisite: IDE 101. Introduction to basic research methods, digital file management, presentation techniques, and three-dimensional massing models. Creation of e-portfolios of student work using introductory research methods, 2-D graphics, desktop publishing, and 3-D modeling software programs.

New Course and Intellectual Foundations Designation:
DAN 324 Dance History. Survey of the origins and evolution of world Western and other world social and concert dance forms from the primitive period to contemporary time. Consideration of the role of major figures and the impact of significant events on the value of dance in society. Students attend live dance performance.

Course Revisions:
DES 378 Web Design I. Prerequisites: DES 377 and DES 380. Introduction to interactive web design from the perspective of communication design. Introduces students to the history of the Internet, industry-standard site-creation software, testing, and evaluation. Integrates design aesthetics, information, organization, image preparation, and intuitive interface design and navigation.

DES 379 Motion Design I. Prerequisites: DES 377 and DES 380. Exploration and integration of animation methods including hand-drawn, stop-motion, and digital. Motion and sound added to graphics, typography, and image. History of motion design and animation. Integrates design aesthetics, sequential information presentation, and video preparation for various deployments, e.g., DVD, web and mobile, and screen.

ENG 301 Advanced Composition. Prerequisite: CWP 102. Practice in writing academic papers. Writing assignments emphasize stylistic strategies, diction, disciplinary conventions, revisions, and research.

ENG 350 Twentieth-Century Drama I. Prerequisite: ENG 190. Drama from the 1880s to 1950 in Europe and America. 

ENG 351 Twentieth-Century Drama II. Prerequisite: ENG 190. Exploration of selected works from the extensively varied ethnicities, nationalities, and styles of world drama in their literary and theatrical contexts from the absurdism of the 1950s to the present.

ENG 402 Advanced Creative Writing: Narrative. Prerequisite: ENG 102 and ENG 305 or instructor permission. A study of prose narrative and the craft of its writing.

IDE 355 Lighting Design. Corequisite: IDE 351. Designing with light, illumination principles, design criteria, specifications, and systems applied to public and private interiors. Hands-on experience using a lighting lab, case studies, and 3-D projects reinforces lecture material in a studio setting.
