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Curricular Items

Posted: Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the President
The following has been approved by the Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the president for review and approval:

New Course:
CHE 572 Advanced Biochemistry

Advanced to the College Senate Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the Senate Office and forwarded to the Senate Curriculum Committee for review and approval.:

New Courses:
CIS 478 Information System Security. Prerequisites: CIS 410 and CIS 470. Survey of essential topics pertinent to modern computer, network, and information security. Fundamental security concepts; organizational risk assessment and valuation; attack strategies for operating systems, network, and web services; mitigation techniques; system strengthening (hardening); countermeasures and trade-offs.

FTT 475 Senior Seminar in Fashion Merchandising and Marketing. Prerequisites: BUS 320, FTT 350, and FTT 455 or instructor permission. Capstone class in fashion merchandising and marketing presenting current practices, trends, and problems in the field; analysis of contemporary issues in fashion merchandising and marketing by using case study method and content analysis; developing effective business communication skills through writing case study reports and presenting the reports orally at the end of the course.

HEA 652 Moral Reasoning and Reflection in Higher Education. Importance of skill set to address social-critical challenges faced in professional practice. Moral reasoning and social justice theory are used to enable students to recognize “isms” that perpetuate professional and personal life. Students gain experience facilitating discourse by practicing the act of communicating with colleagues on difficult issues. Topics include professional responsibility; liberation of self; privilege and oppression; social justice and communicative action; expert knowledge and skills; strategy and artistry in the workplace; professional effectiveness and critical-social challenges; action research in professional life; reflecting in action.

TFA 350 Cinematography. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Intermediate study of the principles of cinematography with emphasis on aesthetics, exposure, lighting, and selection of film, camera, lenses and filters. A production workshop designed to give hands-on experience in all aspects of film production.

Course Revision:
FTT 224 Pattern Drafting and Grading for Industry. Prerequisite: FTT 109 or instructor permission. Introduction to technical patternmaking skills; emphasis on developing basic traditional and computer-drafting and grading skills; students produce a drafted sloper manually and on the computer that will be graded on the computer into a nested pattern.
