Curricular Items
Posted: Wednesday, November 13, 2013Curricular Items
From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the Interim President
The following have been approved by the College Senate Curriculum Committee (CSCC) and forwarded to the interim president for review and approval:
New Courses:
PAD 701 Administrative Ethics
SOC/WGS 212 Feminist Theory
Course Revisions:
HEA 622 Techniques of Counseling
HEA 623 Techniques of Counseling for Diverse Groups and Cultures
Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee for review:
New Courses:
BIO 600 Foundations of Graduate Studies in Biology. Prerequisite: Graduate status in biology. Introduction to the culture and structure of graduate studies in biology including the methodology, tools, writing, experimental design, and communication of biological research.
ENT 482 Smart Grid from Systems Perspective. Prerequisite: ENT 471 or instructor permission. This course enables stakeholders to develop systems prospective of the smart grid and its technologies, understand basic subsystems of the smart grid to increase economic understanding and decision making around current and future technologies, and understand the role of policy and politics in the advancement of the smart grid over time.
ENT 491 Operations and Management of Modern Grid. Prerequisite: Senior status or instructor permission. This course analyzes operations of electric utilities including generation, transmission, distribution, and consumption of electric power; defines system operations and their drivers; discusses impact of deregulation and impact of smart grid technologies on systems operations; introduces concepts of business of system operations; and discusses various management systems used by modern utilities.
ENT 581 Renewable Distributed Generation and Storage. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Introduction to renewable and efficient electric power systems. Encourages self-teaching by providing numerous practical examples requiring quantitative analysis. Topics include historical, regulatory, and utility industry perspectives of the electric system as well as most of the electricity, thermodynamics, and engineering economics background needed to understand new power technologies.
ENT 582 Smart Grid from Systems Perspective. Prerequisite: Instructor permission. This course enables stakeholders to develop systems prospective of the smart grid and its technologies, understand basic subsystems of the smart grid to increase economic understanding and decision making around current and future technologies, and understand the role of policy and politics in the advancement of the smart grid over time.
ENT 591 Operations and Management of Modern Grid. Prerequisite: instructor permission. This course analyzes operations of electric utilities including generation, transmission, distribution, and consumption of electric power; defines system operations and their drivers; discusses impact of deregulation and impact of smart grid technologies on systems operations; introduces concepts of business of system operations; and discusses various management systems used by modern utilities.
HEA 694 Current Issues in Higher Education. Prerequisite: Graduate status. The twenty-first century has brought with it profound challenges to the nature, values, and control of American higher education. Since the end of World War II, changes both within and outside the academy are altering its character, students, faculty, governance, curriculum, funding, functions, and place in society. This course focuses on current issues in higher education and student affairs administration. Students develop an understanding of the academy while developing strategic decision-making skills necessary to meet current challenges in the profession of higher education administration.