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Curricular Items

Posted: Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee (CSCC) for fall 2013 review:

Program Revision:
B.S. Mathematics Education with Adolescent Certification - MAT

New Courses:
ESL 600 Methods of Study in English as a Second Language. Provides in-service and preservice teachers with the knowledge and skills to teach limited-English proficiency (LEP) students’ learning needs, including an understanding of national standards, contemporary English as a second language (ESL) teaching methods, and assessment techniques.

MAT 223 Elementary and Middle School Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint. Prerequisites: MAT 121 and MAT 122. Deepens and extends content introduced in MAT 121 and MAT 122 through study of analytic and synthetic geometry, transformational geometry, statistics, and fundamental concepts of probability. Emphasis on mathematical reasoning and problem solving, mathematical modeling, use of appropriate tools, and effective communication of mathematical ideas prominent in upper elementary and middle school.
