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Curricular Items

Posted: Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
The College Senate Curriculum Committee has reconvened with its reviewing process. Any curricular items sent to the College Senate Office during the winter break have been logged and forwarded to the CSCC for spring 2014 review. Please keep in mind that many items are up for review, and there is no timeline for when your item will be reviewed. Items submitted later in the spring semester will not be guaranteed review before the end of the spring semester. The CSCC does not meet over the summer. Please follow up with APRs (accepted pending revisions) that the CSCC has requested in order to expedite your courses and programs to the final approval level.

Advanced to the Interim President
The following have been approved by the College Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the interim president for review and approval:

New Courses:
BIO 600 Foundations of Graduate Studies in Biology
THA 328 Voice Acting for Animation and Video Games
UED 617 Contemporary Social Contexts of Urban Education
UED 625 Pedagogies for the Urban Classroom
UED 632 Critical Education Theory in Urban Education
UED 655 Social Action: Teacher as Agent of Change


Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee for review:

New Courses:
BIO 699 Comprehensive Examination. Prerequisite: Permission of the graduate committee. A comprehensive written and oral examination that provides the culminating “capstone” experience of the M.A. Biology program for students pursuing the non-thesis option. Examination topics determined with advisement of the graduate committee.

GEG 518 Remote Sensing. Prerequisites: One basic computer information systems course and one basic statistics course or instructor permission. Concepts of remote sensing and its applications. Principles and methods of electromagnetic radiation, aerial and space remote sensing. Basics of digital image processing, spatial or geographic data capture, and interpretations from remote sensors.

HIS 466 Drugs and Global History. Prerequisite: Upper-division status or instructor permission. Research seminar on the history, culture, and sociology of drug consumption including food drugs such as coffee, tea, and yerba mate. Cultural uses of drugs and their rejection or acceptance in society. How drug commodities have influenced human migration patterns and global economics.
