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Curricular Items

Posted: Thursday, May 4, 2017

Curricular Actions

From the President
Advanced to SUNY/NYSED
I have approved the following curricular item, which has been recommended by the appropriate dean, the College Senate, and the provost. This program will now advance to SUNY System Administration and the New York State Education Department for final review:

New Program:
Certificate in Health Promotion Sciences, NS-CERT HPS


I have approved the following curricular items, which have been recommended by the appropriate dean, the College Senate, and the provost:

New Courses:
EDU 322 Literacy Instruction in the Elementary School
PAD 685 Performance-Based Management in the Public Sector
SSE/SST 500 Introduction to Social Studies Education
SSE/SST 603 Middle School Social Studies Education

Course Revisions:
EDU 211 Introduction to Literacy
ENT 314 Applied Solid Modeling
MAT 322 Modern Geometry
MED 307 Uses of Technology in the Teaching of Mathematics
MUS 620 Graduate Music Theory
SOC 299 Social Statistics (formerly SOC 301)
SOC 490 Senior Seminar
THA 226 Acting I

Course Revision with Intellectual Foundations Designation:
SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology

Course Revisions with Intellectual Foundations Infusion (INF):
MED 383 Learning and Teaching Problem Solving (W)
SOC 204 Foundations of Sociological Thought (formerly SOC 400) (W)
W = Writing
