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Curricular Items

Posted: Thursday, April 20, 2017

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the President
The following have been approved by the College Senate Curriculum Committee and are being forwarded to the president for review:

Course Revisions:
MAT 322 Modern Geometry
MED 307 Uses of Technology in the Teaching of Mathematics
MUS 620 Graduate Music Theory
SOC 299 (formerly SOC 301) Social Statistics
SOC 490 Senior Seminar
THA 226 Acting I

Course Revisions with Intellectual Foundations Designation
SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology

Course Revisions with Intellectual Foundations Infusion (INF):
MED 383 Learning and Teaching Problem Solving (W)
SOC 204 Foundations of Sociological Thought (W)

W = Writing


Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee for final spring 2017 review:

New Program:
M.S. Management, MS SOP

Program Revisions:
B.S. Applied Mathematics, BS-AMT NS
Minor in Anthropology
Minor in Public Administration and Nonprofit Management

New Courses:
EDU 342 Teaching Elementary School Mathematics. Prerequisites: MTH 122 or higher; MTH 322 with a minimum grade of C; EXE majors only; minimum cumulative GPA of 2.6. Corequisites: EXE 341 and EXE/EDU 343. Mathematics curriculum course for elementary teachers. Students explore in-depth curricular, theoretical, and practical educational frameworks for teaching mathematics. Students plan and evaluate mathematics lessons incorporating state and national standards for mathematics; explore science and technology; evaluate assessment tools and processes; become reflective practitioners; demonstrate effective techniques for instructional organization in an elementary school. Students read and explain current research in mathematics education at the elementary level. Offered every semester, beginning fall 2017.

GES 202 Earth and Environments through Time. How the Earth and its atmosphere and biosphere have changed over geologic time, and how this has affected life on Earth. Labs include the identification of major fossil groups and interpreting geologic data used to construct ancient environments. Field trips required. Offered spring semester, beginning spring 2018.

GES 433 Geology Independent Research. Prerequisites: GES 203 and GES 323 or instructor permission. Designing and conducting original undergraduate research in an approved geoscience topic. Advanced-level research methodologies are applied and research findings presented using professional writing and oral presentations. Faculty mentor guidance is provided throughout the course. May be taken more than once. Offered every semester, beginning fall 2017.

GES 471 Geology Research Seminar. Prerequisites: GES 203 and GES 323 or instructor permission. Seminar on common topics related to undergraduate research in the geosciences including research methods, handling data, making interpretations, preparing for oral and poster presentations, and preparing for graduate school and professional geology. Topics are addressed from an advanced standpoint. Offered fall semester, beginning fall 2017.

MAT 486 Models and Methods of Actuarial Mathematics. Prerequisites: MAT 202, MAT 315, and MAT 381 or instructor permission. Applications of probability theory, calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations to the development and utilization of methods and models of actuarial mathematics such as survival models, mortality models, life tables, finite probability spaces, multivariate distributions, stochastic processes, Brownian motion, stochastic integrals, Ito’s lemma. Offered fall semester, beginning fall 2017.

PHY 340 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos. Prerequisites: PHY 310 and PHY 320 or instructor permission. Introduction to nonlinear mechanics in one, two, and three dimensions. Bifurcations, phase planes, fixed points, limit cycles, fractals, chaos, and strange attractors. Applications to many areas of science such as weather prediction, lasers, vibrational instabilities, and population variations of predators and prey. Offered occasionally, beginning spring 2018.

PSY 296 Honors Seminar in Psychology. Prerequisites: PSY 101 with a minimum grade of A- and instructor permission. Introduction to research opportunities in psychology, leading to participation in PSY 499: Independent Study in Psychology or PSY 496/498: Honors Thesis I and II. Topics include research and applied careers in psychology, conference presentation skills, and advanced library skills. May be repeated. Offered every semester.

Course Revisions:
CHE 305 Physical Chemistry I. Prerequisites: CHE 202, CHE 301, and PHY 112. Prerequisite or corequisite: MAT 263 or instructor permission. Fundamental concepts in thermodynamics and equilibria of matter and polymer solutions. Topics include zero, first, second, and third laws of thermodynamics, thermochemistry, chemical equilibrium, phase diagrams, and the equilibrium of phase change, ideal vs. real solutions, polymer science, and thermodynamic analysis of polymeric solutions. Offered fall semester, beginning fall 2017.

CHE 307 Physical Chemistry I Lab. Prerequisites: CHE 204, CHE 301, and CWP 102. Prerequisite or corequisite: CHE 305. Thermodynamic studies on the properties of solids, liquids, and gases, including polymer solutions, using modern techniques. Laboratory experiments include treatment and analysis of raw data, morphology of polymers, thermogravimetric analysis of solids, heat of combustion of solids, heat of reactions’ solutions, heat of sorption of gases into polymers, heat of evaporation of liquids, heat capacities of gases and solid-liquid phase equilibrium. Using the literature and practice in recording and disseminating data collected using an electronic notebook, organizing and writing a scientific report. Offered fall semester, beginning fall 2017.

FTT 310 Sewn Products Industry. Prerequisite: FTT 306. Overview of organization and government regulations of fashion business selection of raw materials; designing and pattern development; sizing and evaluation of fit; manufacturing process, quality specifications, and relationship between cost and quality. Offered every semester, beginning fall 2017.

GES 201 Physical Geology. First of a two-course sequence introducing the physical processes that formed Earth and have shaped our planet through time. Topics include Earth materials; plate tectonics; climate, ocean, and atmosphere; and deep time. Student experiences through skill-building activities and experiments. Field trips required. Offered fall semester, beginning fall 2017.

Course Revision with Intellectual Foundations Infusion (INF):
FTT 450 Global Issues in Fashion/Textile Industry (CT, IM, W). Prerequisites: FTT 110, FTT 206, FTT 306, and FTT 310. Overview of global issues facing the textile and apparel industry; differing methods of organization and their inherent structural characteristics; domestic and global perspectives of the industry related to textile and apparel firms. Contemporary issues in the textile and apparel industry, including governmental controls, global trade policies, sustainability, and labor issues. Offered every semester, beginning fall 2017.

CT = Critical Thinking   IM = Information Management   W = Writing
