Curricular Items
Posted: Thursday, April 6, 2017Curricular Items
From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the President
The following have been approved by the College Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the president for review:
Program Revisions:
B.A. French, BA-AH FRE
Postbaccalaureate Teacher Certification Mathematics Education (7–12), UG-PBC NS MTS
M.S.Ed. New Language Education 7–12; 1–6 Extension), MSED-AH NLE (formerly M.S.Ed. Foreign Language Education [7–12; 1–6 Extension])
New Courses:
EXE 321 Remediating and Adapting Literacy Instruction for Students with and at Risk for Disabilities
EXE 323 Field Placement in Literacy Methods for Children with and without Disabilities
Course Revision:
EXE 362 Behavior and Classroom Management
Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee for spring 2017 review:
New Course:
PSC 344 Comparative Democracy. Prerequisite: PSC 101 or PSC 230 or instructor permission. The history and development of democracy with strong emphasis on comparing and analyzing various forms of democracy found throughout the Western and non-Western world in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Offered occasionally, beginning spring 2018.
Course Revisions:
BIO 619 Plant Ecology. Prerequisite: Undergraduate course in ecology. The relationship between plants and their environment from the scale of individuals to ecosystems. Plant physiological ecology, plant community composition and structure, competition and facilitation, effects of human activities, disturbances, succession, and plant-animal interactions. Offered every other year, beginning spring 2018.
HEW 412 Community Health Promotions Programs. Prerequisite: HEW 312W. Applying community health promotion concepts. Major components of planning and implementing community health promotion programs. Current behavioral and cognitive theories and models of health promotion programs. Health promotion planning experiences. Offered every semester, beginning fall 2017.
HEW 488 Internship. Prerequisite: Instructor permission; prerequisite or corequisite: HEW 412.
Practice of professional skills of an entry-level community health education and promotion specialist through mentored field experience. Offered spring semester, beginning spring 2018.
HIS 354 The Modern Caribbean. Prerequisite: CWP 102. Introduction to the conundrums of freedom, independence, and sovereignty as experienced in the modern Caribbean. The Haitian Revolution; abolitionism and emancipation; labor conflicts between freed people and planters; race, religion, and imperialism; American expansionism and occupation; decolonization, departmentalization, and independence; globalization and nonsovereignty; contemporary politics and society. Offered fall semester, beginning fall 2017.
Correction: April 10, 2017
The original version of this announcement, published April 6, 2017, omitted BIO 619: Plant Ecology and recorded the incorrect course description for HEW 488: Internship. This listing has been amended.