Curricular Items
Posted: Thursday, November 29, 2018Curricular Items
From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
Advanced to the President
The following have been approved by the College Senate Curriculum Committee and forwarded to the president for review:
New Program:
M.A.T. Adolescence Education
Program Revisions:
B.S. Health and Wellness, BS-NS HEW
B.S. Dietetics
M.S. Forensic Science, MS-NS FOR
M.S. Professional Applied and Computational Mathematics MS-NS PACM
New Courses:
BUS 660 Managerial Analytics and Decision Making
EXE 581 Practicum in Childhood Special Education
EXE 629 Assessment and Instruction in Writing for Students with High Incident Disabilities
New Course with Intellectual Foundations Designation:
HON 104 American History Seminar
Course Revision:
CNS 636 Technology and Conservation of Works of Art on Paper IV
Advanced to the Curriculum Committee
The following have been received at the Senate Office and forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee for final fall 2018 review:
New Program:
B.S. Computer Science Education, CTE
Program Revision:
B.S. Criminal Justice BS-CRJ SOP
New Courses:
CNS 635 Technology and Conservation of Works of Art on Paper III Laboratory. Prerequisites: CNS 630, CNS 631, CNS 632, and CNS 633. First advanced laboratory course in paper conservation allows students to examine and treat a wider variety of media, paper, and conservation problems. Independent decision making and problem solving is encouraged. Short research projects are also possible. Offered fall semester.
CNS 694 Master’s Project I. Prerequisite: Successful completion of first year of studies. Directed study course guided by a student’s specialty adviser, and involving multiple faculty members. Second-year students prepare to perform research and/or conservation treatment related to a selected artifact or group of artifacts within their chosen concentration. Students submit a formal statement defining the project scope and timeline for completion, with a bibliography of pertinent references. Offered fall semester.
MCL 200 Italian Cinema II. Prerequisite: CWP 102 or instructor permission. Exploration of masterpieces of Italian cinema from the seventies to the present through the lens of the social and psychological implications of the industrial and postindustrial periods. Offered spring semester.
Course Revisions:
CNS 634 Technology and Conservation of Works of Art on Paper III Seminar. Prerequisites: CNS 630, CNS 631, CNS 632, and CNS 633. Corequisite: CNS 635. First advanced lecture/seminar course in paper conservation exposes students to a variety of recent literature in conservation, the history of conservation, and published science in conservation. Students criticize historical and new literature about conservation and treatment and apply this criticism to their own writing and treatment strategies. Through close reading of Paper and Water: A Guide for Conservators (Routledge 2011), students develop a fundamental chemical and molecular understanding of the interactions of cellulose (paper) and water. Offered fall semester.
CNS 695 Master’s Project II. Prerequisite: CNS 694. Directed study course guided by a student’s major adviser, and involving multiple faculty members. Second-year students perform research and/or conservation treatment related to a selected artifact or group of artifacts within their chosen concentration. Analysis and treatment procedures are documented and presented in both oral and written form at the end of the semester. Offered spring semester.