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Curricular Items

Posted: Thursday, September 20, 2018

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee


The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee for fall 2018 review:

New Programs:
M.S. Data Science and Analytics, MS-DSA
Undergraduate Certificate in Child Advocacy Studies, CAST
Undergraduate Certificate in Statistics in Insurance, STAT
Undergraduate Certificate in Theater for Directors

Program Revisions:
B.A. Studio Art and Design, BA-AH AAD
B.A. Art History, BA-AH AAD
M.S. Professional Applied and Computational Mathematics, MS-PACM

New Courses with Intellectual Foundations Designation:
HON 104 American History Seminar. Prerequisite: Admission to the Honors Program. History of the United States from 1492 to the present. Introductory course includes political and economic historical developments in U.S. history, focusing more heavily on social, religious, ethnic, and cultural transformations in distinct eras from Colonial America to American Constitution, the crisis of the Union and reconstruction, modernization and corporation of America, influx of immigrant populations, populism and progressivism, and the cold war. Topics focus on American history through the lens of international affairs, the growing cultural diversity of the American people, and challenges to traditional ideologies and political solutions. Offered fall and spring semesters.

HON 201 Non-Western Civilizations Seminar. Prerequisite: Admission to the Honors Program. The origin, evolution, and development of non-Western civilizations. Possible focus on one or more multiple non-Western civilizations and on a period in time such as South and East Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and the Americas prior to the European Age of Exploration. Includes the rise and spread of various empires in terms of influence, achievements, and lasting impact from socioeconomic, political, and global perspectives in the chosen non-Western civilization and period in time. Offered fall and spring semesters.

HON 303 Diversity Seminar. Prerequisite: Admission to the Honors Program. Exploration of issues of diversity, what it means to be diverse, and how issues of diversity including race, ethnicity, gender, class, age, physical ability, cognitive ability, and religion affect us. Students respond critically to topics covered in class. Offered fall and spring semesters.

Course Revision:
CNS 636 Technology and Conservation of Works of Art on Paper IV. Prerequisites: CNS 630, CNS 631, CNS 632, CNS 633, CNS 634, and CNS 635. Final course in the series of treatment courses for the paper conservation specialist, intended to allow students to examine and treat a wider variety of media, paper, and conservation problems. Independent decision making and problem solving are required. Short research projects are needed for each treatment. Students research a conservation technique (historical or current) and lead a mini-workshop for the class. Independent technical studies of art objects are also undertaken. Offered spring semester.

Course Revision (Intellectual Foundations Designation Only):
CAS 302 Global Child Advocacy Issues


Correction: October 24, 2018
The original version of this announcement, published September 20, 2018, incorrectly recorded CAS 302 as a course revision. CAS 302 should have been entered as an Intellectual Foundations designation only.
