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Curricular Items

Posted: Thursday, April 12, 2018

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee for final spring review:

New Programs:
Undergraduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems, GIS-CERT
Undergraduate Certificate in Statistics in Insurance, MAT-CERT

Program Revisions:
B.S. Electrical Engineering Technology, BS-SOP ETS
M.S. Higher Education and Student Affairs Administration MS-SOP HEA

New Course:
EDU 580 International Professional Development Schools Study Abroad and Research Project. Prerequisite: Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Opportunities to globalize understanding and experience of education, including education of language learners, through study about, comparative research on, or travel to an international destination. Topics include history, geography, language, and culture of the target country; pedagogical tools for working with language learners; intercultural competency; comparative education study; research design; and keys to reflective practice. Offered every semester in conjunction with extended-semester study-away initiative.

New Course with Intellectual Foundations Designation:
PSY 120 Positive Psychology: Happiness, Hope, and Humor. Introduction to positive psychology. Topics include happiness, altruism, hopefulness, and humor; determinants of subjective well-being, such as forgiveness, gratitude, and social support; and applying empirical research in positive psychology to everyday life. Offered occasionally, beginning fall 2018.

Course Revisions:
GES 201 Physical Geology. Introduction to the physical processes that formed Earth and shaped our planet through time. Topics include Earth materials; plate tectonics; climate, ocean, and atmosphere; and deep time. Student experiences through skill-building activities and experiments. Field trips required. Offered spring semester.

NFS 211 Applied Management in Dietetics I. Majors only. First of a two-course sequence. Advanced management principles, concepts, and practices consistent with human resource management, financial management, safety, and infection control as they apply to health-care food service management. Assignments prepare students to become skilled in specific areas of dietetics practice and food service management. Offered every semester.

NFS 311 Applied Management in Dietetics II. Prerequisites: NFS 100, NFS 102, and NFS 211. Majors only. Second of a two-course sequence. Food service systems and related subsystems involving an in-depth analysis of menu development and modification for disease states. Procurement, food production, distribution and service, food safety, and facility design. Offered fall semester.

Course Revision with Intellectual Foundations Designation:
SLP 102 American Sign Language II. Prerequisite: SLP 101. Continuation of SLP 101 designed to give students additional knowledge of ASL and the deaf community and to increase competence in ASL conversational skills.

Course Revision with Intellectual Foundations Infusion (INF):
FTT 358 Fashion Forecasting (W) (formerly Fashion Forecasting and Consumer Issues). Prerequisites: FTT 110 and FTT 208. Study of designers’ work, consumer segmentation and adoption process, analysis of current trends in apparel in order to forecast for specific markets, story board presentation. Hands-on experience with off-the-shelf software programs used in fashion industry for concept/trend board development and forecasting presentation. Offered fall and spring semesters.

