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Curricular Items

Posted: Thursday, August 27, 2020

Curricular Items

From the Chair of the College Senate Curriculum Committee
The following have been received in the College Senate Office and forwarded to the College Senate Curriculum Committee for fall 2020 review:

New Course:
ENG 391 Junior Seminar. Prerequisites: ENG 190 and ENG 250; major in English, English education, or writing or minor in literary studies or film studies; or instructor permission. Seminar featuring disciplinary research, applied work, and possible careers; focus on the advanced skills associated within and outside the discipline. Offered every semester, beginning fall 2021.

New Course with Intellectual Foundations Designation:
ENG 254 Culturally Diverse American Literature in Middle and High Schools. Prerequisite: CWP 102. Focus on diverse American literature taught in secondary English classrooms. Readings draw from traditional and nontraditional literary texts and popular media representing a wide range of American voices and experiences. Addresses the role culturally diverse literature plays in American schools and how such literature can be incorporated across content areas. Offered every semester, beginning fall 2021.

Course Revision with Intellectual Foundations Infusion (INF):
ENG 490 Senior Seminar (CT, IM, W). Prerequisites: ENG 390 and ENG 391; major in English, English education, or writing or minor in literary studies or film studies; or instructor permission. Capstone course featuring advanced study of a literary theme, genre, author, period, or theoretical approach; focus on the advanced skills associated with literary study from a range of different perspectives. Offered every semester, beginning fall 2021.

CT=Critical Thinking, IM=Information Management, W=Writing
